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Censorship & the non-compliant launch issue

cover artist

Christiane Shillito
Christiane is a selftaught British artist and illustrator who grew up in Newcastle Upon Tyneand spent several years traveling the world before landing in Los Angeles, where her studio is currently based. She grew up with a nerdy love for anything fantastical, whether it be folklore and mythology or sciencefiction, comic books and fairy tales. She has shown work in several small galleries in Los Angeles and had a solo show in 2015 at the Erotic Heritage Museum in Las Vegas, which focused on work inspired by her former career as a professional fetish fashion and art nude model. Coming from that 15 year alternative modeling career had a huge impact on her artwork ... She’ll often look back to the fetish and avantgarde clothing designers she has worked with when it comes to the fashion elements of her work. Similarly Christiane is inspired by other alternative models, both those she has worked with in the past and those she discovered more recently via social media.
visual artists

Anthony Lister
Anthony Lister is a graduate of the Queensland College of Art and student of New York based Max Gimblett. With literally hundreds of successful exhibitions in his wake, Anthony Lister is a serious and professional artist. His work focuses on primary social issues including freedom and the fundamentals concerning morality and contemporary life in a series of ambiguous and symbolic narratives.

Yvette Tang
Yvette started her academic art studies at the Emily Carr University of Art and Design where discovered Yayoi Kusama, one of her major influence, Wim Delvoye and the Chapman Brothers and Max Ernst. Inspired by these artists, she constructed her own language, starting from drawing and painting to eventually switching to photography to tell her stories.

Danny Jarratt
Danny Jarratt is an Adelaide-based artist, exploring the intersections of video games and utopia to create queer counterpublics which disrupt heteronormativity. He explores these themes with xpanded/digital painting, sculpture, installation and art games to create interactive and immersive queer utopias.

Ingrid Wilson
Ingrid Wilson (aka IIMWII), is an Australian artist and arts worker. Currently working towards her master’s in fine art, Ingrid is a selfconfessed enthusiast to change. She has found that throughout her state of flux practice, there has always been a strong connection to abstracting a form that is beyond recognition.

Brent Leideritz
brent leideritz is an independent artist with a photographic art practice that originated on film in the 1990s and transitioned through to the digital present. images suspended in binary pixilation. images that seek to challenge, to subvert and to confront. a created collection of pixels to trigger thought and discussion.

Frances Cohen
Frances Cohen is a painter and photographer who has no idea what she's doing. Her work is usually conceptualized at 4am after a night of watching Forensic Files, and centers around the themes of volatile mental health, jaded nostalgia and the quiet terror of being alive. She lives in Adelaide and is actually a really nice person.

Victoria Berekmeri
Victoria is one of Australia’s most renowned birth photographers, documenting the unique beauty of birth in a raw, documentary style. She has achieved two national titles for her documentary photography work, presented at industry conferences in Australia and the USA, and facilitates her genre specific workshops across Australia and New Zealand.

Emma Anna
Emma spends days creating concrete poetry, patterns, textiles, sculptures, doodles, fantastical architecture, mess, magical lands and other spectacular. Using computers, psychoanalysis, imagination, Facebook, paper shuffling and her leftside dog tooth to explore ideas surrounding black holes, parrots, calypso, international trade and finance, optical illusions, freedom and daily life in tropical hotspots.

Max Papeschi
After an experience as author and director for theatre, Tv and cinema, Max Papeschi starts with digital-art. As figurative artist his approach with Art-World was an immediate success among the critics and the public. His work Politically-Incorrect shows a globalized and consumerist Society and reveals in a realistic ironical way all the horror of this life style.

Laura Henning
Reluctant wordsmith. Tumbleweed activist. Goer and doer of small things. Thinker. She writes because she has to.

Bella de Jac
As an established Australian Burlesque performer, Bella's work is based in predominantly bodypositive, sexpositive, feminist performance art. She has been performing Burlesque for a decade, teaching for eight years, working as a stripper and founded the Australian Burlesque Museum. In this time ran the gamut of attitudes relating to sexual expression, repression and suppression.

Jacqueline Smith
Jacqueline Smith lives in London and works as an interviewer. She has been published previously in Ambit, South Bank Poetry, Inkspill, Spilt Milk, Poetandgeek and Cake Magazine.

Laura Desmond
Laura Desmond is a performer, playwright and editor based in Adelaide, Australia. After performing with other companies a, Desmond wrote her first performance work socially [un]acceptable which has been performed at festivals around the world. Her second performance work Dr Selflove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love My Thighs is a work in progress.

Moisty Magic
Moisty Magic is a sassy mouthed, fierce creature who is equal parts showgirl, rabble rouser, and opinionated arsehole. An academic by day, burlesque dancer by evening and sex worker by night, she is renown for her tongue in cheek social commentary and passion for political satire.

Alyssa Kitt Hanley
Fierce. Formidable. The Feminist Fatale. Alyssa Kitt Hanley dances across the lines of a dual identity. She is both an artistic and intellectual chameleon. A powerhouse of Australian burlesque, feminist, writer, journalist and purveyor of the naked arts, she writes regularly on the public presentation of the body, burlesque, BDSM, sexuality and identity politics.
Video Artist

Ian Gibbins
Ian Gibbins is a widely published poet inprint and online, working across diverse styles and media, including electronic music, video, performance, and public installations. Ian has a significant role running the Adelaide Festival of Ideas and works extensively to support and promote the Adelaide poetry and spoken word scene.