Keep your fucking laws off my bodily autonomy
What makes you angry around any laws that restrict our right to choose and be safe in our choosing?

$$$$$$ – A note on our equal profit share:
This is something we are really proud of & during these times is a way for us, in a small, but very real way support our creative community.
The profit (EVERYTHING over the print costs) of every issue is equally divided between each contributor, including us if we have contributed to an issue.
For our first issue each of our contributors was offered just over $40AUD, while we recognise that this is not huge, it is something and we hope this will increase with each issue as we grow & nurture our community.
Please help us to share this call out with any artists or writers you think would like to contribute!
We need you!
To submit, select your contribution type
There is NO submission fee.
To ensure the publication is not cost prohibitive, we have a limited amount of pages and therefore contributors to showcase, we will select contributions we feel best fit the topic.
Please carefully read our submission T&C’s before you submit. Download Non-compliant submission terms & conditions here.
Artists/writers selected for each publication will receive an equal share of the profit for that issue! – read more about this in our T&C’s

We are curating a publication that offers a cross section of creative expression from all forms of art & culture!
To ensure we are representing various mediums and creative view points we are planning a contribution formula for each issue, this may vary based on the submissions we receive.
We may, depending on the submissions received, reach out to artists to invite them to submit.
We hope to include the below in each issue:
1 x feature artist showcased on the cover
10 x visual artists
2 x Poetry/prose pieces
2 x Short form opinion pieces: 500 – 1000 words
1 x Long form piece: 2000 words
1 x Performance artist/theatre/independent album feature
1 x Video art/short film/indi film feature
2 x Curator/editor contributions (That’s us! aj+b or our guest curator)
Possible mediums: All really! including but not limited to – painting, sculpture, photography, fashion/wearable art, make up, street art, film/video art, illustration, etching/print making, collage art, tattoo art and digital art. Including all written forms of art!
Possible styles: Any! We strongly encourage contemporary art, low brow, craft, representational and illustrative art. We would love to hear from writers working with prose/poetry, opinion pieces & academic works.

Colour & racism, tokens & shame
Guest curated by Hot Brown Honey

Keep your FUCKING laws off my bodily autonomy
What makes you angry around any laws that restrict our right to choose and be safe in our choosing?

Please think of the children
The connection between a conservative, Christian upbringing, abuse and adult mental health

Penetrate Me
Nudity, sex and consent post #MeToo

the white guy dilemma
Misogyny vs Misandry. The female experience and finding your place in this world as a white guy

Puppets and churches
Government policy informed by religious ideology and the ongoing issues that flow from this

Marry and Reproduce
Heteronormativity, queer identity, gender politics and who is going to do this dishes?

Abuse me more I like it
C-PTSD, emotional abuse and it’s ongoing impacts

Show me the money
Economic privilege, economic servitude and broken financial systems

Please fix me
Disability, equality and identity reclamation- fuck your fix! Guest curated

Here, take this pill
The mental health issue

We all agreed to this
Surveillance, big data and the ‘I have nothing to hide’ argument
Selfishly, this little project began just for us. A place to share the art we love to make, a place to scream as loud and as disruptively as we pleased… As we were researching and preparing, we noticed that so many creatives are feeing disenfranchised with our society and unsure how to make a positive cultural contribution, we hope, non-compliant can be a positive part of our collective, cultural contribution!
As I type, we, collectively have $49, we know, with our next job that figure will grow; there is an ebb and flow to this life we choose, but it is hard, it is hard to remain creative, it is hard to keep standing. We believe that it is our collective reliance on broken financial systems that ensures our silence … It ensures our collective conformity … so, we choose to step out, to critique our over-culture … at our own financial peril … BUT, but, we believe, we HOPE, there can be another way.
With all that in mind, we have a plan to ensure that every contributor receives some remuneration for their contribution.
Every single contributor, including us, will receive an equal share of the profit from the sale of each and every copy!
Our plan is this: EVERY contributor, of each issue, will receive an equal share of the profits for all in-print and online sales of the quarterly publication. Our profit share will be a transparent process; full details are available in our contributor T&C’s. Download Non-compliant submission terms & conditions here.
To start with, that wont be much, but we hope, in time, that will be a fair component for each contributor. You can help us increase this component for each contributor by sharing the NC issue links with your own networks!
Leveraging ‘print on demand’ availability and some incredible pay equity concepts from the tech world, we feel the pay structure is a really important part of remaining non-compliant and a positive/fair way to get this little publication off the ground without being beholden to a grant/donor and the compliance they may expect from us.